FIDAG is entering into the share capital of a new entity, which will see the merger of Fiduciaire Juravenir SA and the companies of the Groupe Transjurane (Fiduciaire Transjurane SA, Audit Transjurane SA, François Chapatte S.A. and REVICOM SA) in Delémont. This merger will create the largest fiduciary company in the Canton of Jura with 35 employees. FIDAG SA, with 136 employees, consolidates its position as the leading auditing company with headquarters in French-speaking Switzerland and the 7th largest auditing company in Switzerland in terms of the number of auditing mandates.
The new company will have the size and the set of skills to ensure a strong presence on the market and to invest in the digitalisation of its activities, with the ambition of becoming a "fiduciary 4.0" company by 2021. FIDAG SA will also offer the necessary accreditation and capacity to assume the role of auditor in most business sectors, in particular for municipalities, pension funds and public limited companies. The partners also wish to offer new prospects and career development opportunities to their staff.
The current associates and directors (Aude Saunier Bregnard, Jean-Luc Boillat, Michel Bouele, José Jolissaint, Claude Mertenat and Bernard Seeger) retain their roles and will continue to be the reference persons for their clients and partners.
For additional information, please contact:
Christophe Pitteloud, Partner of FIDAG SA
+41 (0)79 258 07 10 |
José Jolissaint, Administrator and Director of Fiduciaire Juravenir SA
+41 (0)79 760 55 15 |
Aude Saunier Bregnard, Administrator and Director of Groupe Transjurane
+41 (0)78 658 72 40 |